Neurological disorders refer to disorders of nervous system and includes diseases of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them. Overall Ayurveda refers to the nervous system collectively as “Majja Dhatu” and considers it responsible for Majja Dhatu functions of the brain and the nervous system and by extension ensuring the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the individual.
According to Ayurveda, overall, well-being of the individual depends on the equilibrium of the doshas. The wellness of the Majja Dhatu is governed by the Vata dosha the imbalance of which is considered the main cause of neurological issues. Ayurvedic treatment for neurological disorders focuses on bringing back these dosas to equilibrium.
Ayurvedic treatments for Neurological disorders are focused restoring the balance of the Dosha to optimal levels. This is done through a combination of therapy, medication and lifestyle changes. Ayurveda herbal medications that stimulate brain and nerve function while aiding recovery from the root cause of ailments are prescribed according to the unique requirements of the patient. A host of Ayurvedic therapies are used to calm the nervous system via cleansing and detoxification. Overall ayurvedic treatment procedures have proved to amongst the safest and most effective treatment methodologies for severe paralysis conditions. All treatment plans are customized depending on the cause and severity of the condition and also takes into account the health condition of the affected patient. Additionally, Ayurvedic diet plans boost brain function while strengthening and nourishing the nervous system.
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