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Ayurvedic Consultation

Ayurveda emphasizes on promotion of health and prevention of disease rather than treating symptoms. It’s based on the concept that general health and wellness rely on a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit which occurs with the balance of vata, pitta and kapha, the three doshas.


Body type analysis

Ayurveda's method of promoting wellness is based on your body type or constitution. Every person’s body comprises Vatta, Pitta and Kapha doshas, with one dominating dosha. An imbalance in these is what leads to illnesses. A thorough understanding of your doshas and their characteristics is necessary for treatment to be effective.


Prenatal and post natal care

In Ayurveda, the care of mothers is valued at every stage of their lives, but especially during pregnancy and after delivery. Sutika Paricharya is the routine that helps the lady recoup her lost vitality and helps her body return to a prepregnant state since during this time she rebuilds her health and power.


Ayurvedic therapies

An internal cleansing procedure is the first step in an Ayurvedic treatment regimen, which is then followed by a particular diet, herbal treatments, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. Your doctor will be the best person to prescribe the correct treatment after taking into account your health conditions.


Treatment of various disorders

Ayurveda defines complete health as having the ideal balance of the mind, body, and soul. Ayurvedic research placed a greater emphasis on the relationship between the mind, body, and soul, which helped to shape the Ayurvedic system as a method of treatment that integrates the mind and body. In Ayurveda, distinct mental therapies are described for the treatment of both physical issues and mental diseases.

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Your wellness matters to us, which is why our staff is available 24-hrs to help you. For all your queries, contact: +971 566 820 659

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